The field of human-machine interaction (HMI) has undergone a profound transformation, fuelled by rapid advancements in sensing technologies, smart sensors, and AI-driven digital processing. These developments have enabled more seamless, intuitive interactions between humans and machines across diverse settings. The
Challenge at ICASSP2025: “Gas source localization from real-world spatial in-situ concentration and wind measurements”

We are excited to invite you to participate in the Signal Processing Challenge “Gas source localization from real-world spatial in-situ concentration and wind measurements” at the upcoming IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025). This Signal
IEEE ASI Webinar: Cooperative Perception “All at Once” with OpenCDA (Prof. J.Ma)

Prof. Jiaqi MaUCLA, Samueli School of Engineering Email: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract In this presentation, the latest advancements in Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) cooperative perception aimed at enhancing the safety and efficiency
IEEE ASI Webinar: Socio-Physically Interactive Mobile Collaborative Robots (Dr. P.Ajoudani)

Dr. Arash AjoudaniIIT, Genova, Italy Email: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract This talk will give an overview of the recent developments at Human-Robot Interfaces and Interaction (HRI²) laboratory of IIT, with focus on learning
IEEE ASI Webinar: Perspectives and Opportunities in Trustworthy AI (Dr. P.Lewis)

Dr. Peter LewisOntario Tech University, Canada Email: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract The trustworthiness (or otherwise) of Artificial Intelligence has been much in discussion of late. Perspectives range from how we might make people
IEEE ASI Webinar: TinyDSF: Bootstrapping Skills for Milirobots from First Principles (Prof. A.Jantsch)

Prof. Axel JantschTU WienInstitute of Computer Technology Email: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract With a volume of less than 10 cm³ Milirobots are highly resource-constrained agents. It is thus challenging to strike the right
IEEE ASI Webinar: Multi-modal sensing for physical human-robot interaction (Prof. A.Cavallaro)

Prof. Andrea CavallaroTuring Fellow, The Alan Turing InstituteDirector, Centre for Intelligent SensingDirector of Research, School of Electronic Eng. and Computer Science Email: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract The audio-visual analysis of the environment surrounding
IEEE ASI Webinar: Active Inference (Prof. K.Friston)

Prof. Karl J. Friston MB, BS, MA, MRCPsych, FMedSci, FRSB, FRSWellcome Principal FellowScientific Director: Wellcome Trust Centre for NeuroimagingInstitute of Neurology, UCL12 Queen SquareLondon. WC1N 3BG UK Email: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract In
IEEE ASI Webinar: Computational Self-awareness and Self-organization: A Paradigm for Building Adaptive, Resilient Computing Platforms (Prof. N.Dutt)

Prof. Nikil DuttDepartments of Computer Science, Cognitive Sciences, and EECSCenter for Embedded and CyberPhysical Systems (CECS)Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Engineering (CENCE)University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA 92697-3435, USAEmail: Website: Register NOW for the webinar: CLICK ME Abstract Self-awareness
Launch of the ASI Forum

The ASI Forum is a new initiative of the IEEE Autonomous Systems Initiative. It offers a unique place to explore different topics around autonomous systems and interact with the growing and interdisciplinary research community. The ASI Forum is centered around