Dr. Peter Lewis
Ontario Tech University, Canada
Email: Peter.Lewis@ontariotechu.ca Website: https://ontariotechu.ca/experts/fbit/peter-lewis.php
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The trustworthiness (or otherwise) of Artificial Intelligence has been much in discussion of late. Perspectives range from how we might make people trust AI to AI being not possible to trust, with many points in between. In this talk, I will examine these perspectives and also question whether or not many of these discussions somewhat miss the point, which is: since people are going ahead and basically doing their own thing anyway, we should probably help them. Acknowledging that trust is a heuristic that is widely used by humans in a range of situations, and drawing on literature concerning how humans make trust decisions, I will present a general model of how people might consider trust in AI (and other artifacts) for specific purposes in a human world. I will explore how the model forms a useful basis upon which to develop intelligent systems in a way that considers how and when people may trust them, and in doing so empowers people to make better trust decisions about AI. Further, trust is not only about the mitigation of risk, it is an essential mechanism for the coordination of groups. With this in mind, I will also highlight some ongoing fundamental research in socio-technical systems that suggests that explicitly designing for trust brings with it new opportunities for technology-enabled social action.
Dr. Peter Lewis holds a Canada Research Chair in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, at Ontario Tech University, Canada. He is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology.
Peter’s research advances both foundational and applied aspects of trustworthy, reflective, and socially intelligent systems. Drawing on extensive experience applying AI commercially, he is interested in where AI meets society, and how to help that relationship work well. His research is concerned with how to conceive of and build AI systems that meet this challenge. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Technology & Society Magazine (TSM) and ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), a board member of the International Society for Artificial Life (ISAL) with responsibility for Social Impact, and Co-Chair of the Steering Committee for the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Self-organizing Systems (ACSOS). He has published over 100 papers in academic journals and conference proceedings, as well as the foundational book ‘Self-aware Computing Systems: An Engineering Approach’, in 2016. He has led teams that have worked with numerous companies in the areas of artificial intelligence, data science, and software development, including as part of the social enterprise he co-founded, Beautiful Canoe. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham, UK.
When and how to participate
The webinar will be broadcasted live on February 28, 2023 at 9 am (PST) – 6 pm (CET) on Zoom (approx duration 1h + 30m Q&A)
Register HERE